Arjun Lakireddy, Founder of Money Matters

Hello everyone! My name is Arjun Lakireddy, and I am a 16-year-old senior at Golden Valley High School in Merced. I am a very involved student, taking part in extracurriculars like Leadership, Decathlon, and two sports. Basketball and Tennis. In the classroom I take AP classes and overall, I always strive to be the best person I can be. But how did I get to this blog?


Well, my interest in finance started in 8th grade, when the book I had to read for my school decathlon competition, A Little History of Economics by Niall Kishtainy. At first, being interested in economics and finance was just a hobby. Over the past few years my hobby has slowly grown into my passion that has shaped my future, and one that I now have decided to share with the world! The main goal of this blog is to educate the youth of Merced County on Financial Literacy, and Iā€™m happy to have you all along for the ride!